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Psychologist Dennis Proffitt has been involved in numerous studies to find out how people perceive the same obstacle in front of them. Throughout his studies, he has asked people to estimate how steep a hill is while varying the conditions of the participants. In one of those studies, he helped determine that the people a person was with, or thought about, influenced their estimate of the hill grade (Social Support and the Perception of Geographic Slant, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, September 2008).

When a person was accompanied by a friend, the hill seemed less steep than it did to a person who was alone, and a person who thought about a supportive friend perceived the hill as less steep than when they thought about a person they disliked. The study results indicate that our support from trusted people can influence the way we perceive the difficulties we face.

In 2 Kings 6:8-17, the prophet Elisha is being hunted down by an enemy king who wants to capture him. The king locates Elisha and his servant, and sends “horses and chariots and a powerful army there. They came by night and surrounded the city” (v.14).

The next morning Elisha’s servant sees the army and naturally panics. “Elisha answered, ‘Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ Then Elisha prayed and said, ‘Lord, please, open his eyes that he may see.’ And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha (v.16-17).

Elisha’s servant perceived the danger and was afraid. But Elisha perceived the situation differently because of a spiritual perspective rooted in faith in God. He understood God would support and protect him, and that enabled him to be at peace, despite how difficult the situation appeared.

We can react to any obstacle we face with panic or peace, faith or fear, depending on the strength and quality of our relationship with God. Without God, we tend to perceive difficulties and challenges as hard to overcome.

But when our relationship with God is strong, the hills just don’t seem as steep. When we trust in His promises to protect us and love us because He wants the best for us, we approach those same obstacles with a sense of peace because we understand God is there surrounding and supporting us.

How do you perceive God’s support in the face of obstacles?

Photo by Johannes Rampp:

Published inObstacles

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